** Post-concussion syndrome, a set of symptoms that a person may experience for weeks, months, or even years after a concussion
**Physical symptoms: double or blurred vision, headache, nausea, fatigue, inability to sleep, dizziness
** Emotional symptoms: anxiety, lack of ability to tolerate stress, restlessness, emotional lability or mood swings,
** Cognitive or mental symptoms: slowed cognitive processing, difficulty concentrating,
decrease in social skills
The list of symptoms goes on and on, but this pretty much covers what we have been dealing with. The end of June "JP" was swimming and hit is head on the side of the pool, the next day left for Church camp in Florida for a week, came home fighting a migraine (something that "JP" deals with on a regular bases until Dr C. began treating him for and got them under control) and can I just tell you it has been down hill from then.
Only time will clear the PCS and it can take up to 6 months, the norm is around 3 months to be completely free of all symptoms.
I will tell you that since "JP" was 9 months old and he took that first step he has been full steam ahead, this brought him to an abrupt stop just like when he hit the wall of the pool.
We are on the way back to life as we know with "JP" PRAISE JESUS!!!!! Thank you to Aunt Ginny :) , David Song and all the other great people and friends that have been there for him and your prayers!