Sunday, April 23, 2006

THE BIG 50 ! !

OK, it's ture I turned 50 this month. My Pokeeno/Bunko group dressed me up and took me out for a night on the town. First stop was "P F Chang" where after Wed. night service JP and Heather joined the twelve of us for dinner :( poor Dudley had to work). We were given one very long table on there back patio it was lovely and the food was very good. After Dinner we loaded up (oh yes every time I entered or exited the van they would roll out the BLACK carpet to walk down) and went to the "Melting Pot" for desert. The only time I felt old was when I was falling into bed around midnight, way way past my bed time.

The next morning I awoke to 18 or more Black Crows on wooden stakes in my front yard (Sorry no picture) and when I arrived to work the whole clinic was decorated with pictures of me from birth to the present! Even had my nudie on the bear skin rug....I was all of 6 month old! They ordered Happy Meals and Cains for lunch along with a little cake and ice cream. And a good time was had by all!

Now refelcting on turning 50 ! Not has bad as I thought, I remmeber turning 40...just the sound of saying I was 40 would make me shiver, and the thought of turning 60....and the sound of that !! TOO much Too much..........will dwell on that at a later date.

P.S. If your initials are D.McD. you will be 50 one day too, and thats all I am saying for now.

Monday, April 17, 2006


Easter was great! The service at the River Center was great! (Job well done guys.) and no doubt God showed up in a large way! But what I would like to talk about happen for me after the service leaving the River Center.

As my family was leaving the service we could see some commotion a little bit a head of us, a man screaming and banging his very tall banner on the ground and other people handing out tracks. It was crazy I was having such a hard time wrapping my mind around what was going on. All the way to the car and the ride home I was trying to grasp what that was. Why where those people there, why were they not at their church, why were they protesting at our service? Why, Why ? Like I said before I just couldn't wrap my mind around it.

After much thought on what was going on this is what I am feeling, These people may know the Bible and the Law but they must not know Jesus! And how sad is that not to know the love of Jesus! His grace and mercy, we can only pray that they will one day awake with the presence of the Holy Spirit in there life!

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Blog Or Delete ? ?

Ok, ok this was a much larger undertaking than I thought it would be. JP has commented that I can not go more than two days with out a new entry, my brother-inlaw has commented about JP's comment (he was agreeing) and put in his two cents. .... something along the lines of it has been more like two weeks since my last entry. And today my husband told me, "ok you need to blog or delete you blog"

I am not quite ready to give up yet so hang in there with me and hopefully I will get rolling with this concept of bloging!