Saturday, September 29, 2007


Let me start off by saying sorry no pictures with this post camera on the fritz, but for those who live in town you can see this for your self.

Last week I was driving up Chadsfords and as I passed the Frayer's old homestead something struck me as ummmmmm...... what would be the right word "comforting" It was as if Valerie was still living at the house and she was right on schedule with Fall decorations.

The front columns were wrapped with fall leaves, a large bail of hay sat on the front porch with a rooster (no turkey that lit up, that was really a one of a kind). About two days after passing the house I passed by during the night and yes you guessed it the whole front of the house was shinning with the Orange lights. Kudos to the new owners, very nice.

It's a must girls you got to drive by.

We love and miss you Valerie!!!